Mon Valley Initiative’s Workforce Development and Financial Coaching team organized and hosted a Charleroi Health and Wellness Fair last month along with Allegheny Health Network’s Front Door Initiative, attracting over 280 residents with 20 local service providers.
On-site resources included mobile health screenings, dental exams, information on food access and government benefits, opportunities for employment and housing programs, and more. Flyers for the event were translated into Spanish and Haitian Creole to ensure immigrant and refugee populations in the region could attend the event.
The event also marked five years of MVI’s Mid-Mon satellite office in Charleroi, opening in 2019 in the heart of Charleroi’s business district at 435 McKean Avenue. MVI has two Workforce Development and Financial Coaching staff members on-site every Monday through Friday from 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. to help residents with job help, benefits assistance, personal financial coaching, and more.
To contact our Charleroi office and learn more about its services, call 724-565-8040 or email abell@monvalleyinitiative.com.