Please fill out a project request form!
In an effort to establish a more solid bond between the Slippery Rock University’s (SRU) Center for Student Involvement and Leadership (CSIL), North Braddock Cares (NBC), and the community groups being assisted through the Mini CareBreak program, NBC is making an effort to form official partnerships between SRU and entities that have submitted projects in the past.
North Braddock is currently seeking requests for community service projects to help formalize community partnerships. Not only will these official partnerships enable those who coordinate and plan the North Braddock CareBreaks to streamline organizing, but it also shows administrators at SRU the need to identify projects for current and future requests.
The relationship with SRU and community service organizations date back to 1998 as SRU professor Dick Wukich looked to develop a relationship between his university and his hometown. And from the beginning, Terry and Denise Stell have spearheaded organizing our bi-yearly Mini CareBreaks in the community.
There was a period of time that North Braddock was left out of the Mini CareBreak schedule due to the lack of valid community service projects. We want to ensure that we never again encounter a period of inactivity with SRU. So, we are asking our official partners to consider projects that have significance to the students who give freely of themselves for a weekend to help better our communities, not just busy work. We want the students to feel that they are making a difference and that they will want to return to help again in the future.
In agreeing to be an official partner, your Organization/Community Group agrees to work hand in hand with the students and also agrees to a few basic rules and regulations that ensure that community service weekends run as smooth as possible.
Students will be working on projects from approximately 8:45AM to 4PM on Saturday, October 4, and from 9AM to Noon on Sunday, October 5.