• 412-464-4000

  • 305 E. 8th Ave., Homestead, PA 15120

Tag: CDCs

Latest Past Events

TCDC Meeting

Human Services Center 519 Penn Avenue, Turtle Creek

The Turtle Creek Development Corporation (TCDC) is committed to revitalizing and sustaining Turtle Creek as a livable community. TCDC is an all volunteer organization. In addition to a variety of activities geared to improving the quality of life for the residents, TCDC takes a lead role in housing rehabilitation, home ownership opportunities and workforce development through a partnership […]

North Braddock Cares Meeting

North Braddock Borough Building 600 Anderson Street, North Braddock

North Braddock Cares is a nonprofit group whose purpose is to achieve economic and social development within the borough of North Braddock. It recognizes the contributions of individuals as its most important asset. It encourages the contributions of individual citizens for the good of the North Braddock community.

SEDCO Meeting

River City Church 2037 Noble Street, Pittsburgh

The Swissvale Economic Development Corporation (SEDCO) is a group of individuals living and working in Swissvale that seeks to organize, direct, and coordinate the economic revitalization of the Borough of Swissvale.  Through valuable relationships with public officials, neighborhood and civic leaders, business professionals, and residents, SEDCO improves the economic stability and quality of life within […]

Mon Valley Initiative