Pennsylvania homeowners facing foreclosure or other financial hardships because of the COVID-19 pandemic may be eligible for help.
The Pennsylvania Homeowner Assistance Fund will help homeowners whose annual household income is at or below 150 percent of the area median. The program is designed to prevent or ease mortgage delinquencies, defaults, foreclosures, displacements and utility disconnections.
The Pennsylvania General Assembly allocated $350 million in federal funds toward the relief effort.
Mon Valley Initiative is one of the agencies that will provide help through the program.
To find out more information, call housing counselor Jonathan Weaver at 412-464-4000, ext. 4008, or email jweaver@monvalleyinitiative.com.
If you’re outside of the Pittsburgh area and want to see a list of organizations that can assist homeowners, or if you just want to learn more about the program and see if you qualify, visit www.pahaf.org.
You also may call the PAHAF call center at 1-888-987-2423 between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m., Mondays through Fridays.