• 412-464-4000

  • 305 E. 8th Ave., Homestead, PA 15120

Homebuyer’s club: Ask a mortgage broker anything

If you know someone who’s planning to buy a house and apply for a mortgage, invite them to our next Homebuyer’s Club:

7 p.m. Tuesday, Sep. 19, 2017

Mon Valley Initiative, 305 East 8th Ave., Homestead

Anthony Cafardi has been helping people buy their own homes for 14 years. He’s been a real-estate agent and a mortgage broker, and he now works as a mortgage specialist for Citizens Bank. He’s seen it all and he can answer questions, frankly and directly.

Homebuyers Club is presented by MVI’s housing counseling program and sponsored in part by Citizens Bank. Each workshop features a discussion on a different aspect of homeownership.

To register, call Jonathan Weaver, MVI housing counselor, at (412) 464-4000, ext. 4008 or email jweaver@monvalleyinitiative.com.

Mon Valley Initiative