• 412-464-4000

  • 305 E. 8th Ave., Homestead, PA 15120

PHFA honors MVI’s Weaver for ‘exceptional’ performance

The Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency has recognized MVI’s Jonathan Weaver as one of the best housing counseling specialists in the state.
Weaver was one of only seven housing counselors statewide—and one of only two in Western Pennsylvania—so honored during PHFA’s biennial ceremony.

“Housing decisions represent a large portion of a person’s monthly budget, so it’s important those decisions are made wisely,” said Robin Wiessmann, PHFA executive director and chief executive officer, in a release.

“Our housing counselors work tirelessly in the background giving people the training they need to make smarter housing decisions,” she said.

Weaver joined MVI in 2013. He’s thankful for being nominated, but also thankful for the many banks and real estate agencies that refer their customers to Mon Valley Initiative for personalized homebuying advice.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Weaver shifted from meeting clients in person to working with them over the phone and via the Internet, but is still providing one-on-one counseling.

“MVI values face-to-face counseling because it’s personalized, rather than referring people to a computer-learning database,” he says. “It allows me to answer questions specific to a homebuyer’s individual concerns.”

Weaver holds periodic “homebuyer’s clubs” where first-time home purchasers can ask questions of experts, and one another. His next event is 6 p.m. Feb. 11 and will be held via Zoom, where a representative of Huntington Bank will answer questions about mortgages.

To RSVP, call 412-464-4000, ext. 4008, or email jweaver@monvalleyinitiative.com.
Mon Valley Initiative