• 412-464-4000

  • 305 E. 8th Ave., Homestead, PA 15120

According to one estimate, more than 15 million American adults don’t keep their money in a bank. That means they’re using check-cashing stores, payday loan companies, pre-paid debit cards and other non-traditional services that sometimes charge high fees — and provide little or no protection for money if it’s lost or stolen.

Helping people who are “unbanked” is just one goal of the financial coaching program operated by Mon Valley Initiative.

Helping people make better decisions

MVI provides one-on-one coaching for people who have bad credit or no credit, or who need help managing their family finances, including advice on how to navigate banks and other financial services.

Our employment and financial coaches work with participants on the best ways to increase their income, decrease or control their expenses, and use banks and credit.

We help people create a budget and set personal financial goals that they can meet and exceed.

Besides one on one sessions, we also offer events throughout the year, like our fall “Tackle Your Financial Future” workshops.

A partnership with other free MVI services

And our financial coaches also work closely with our career development services and our housing counseling program, which helps people prepare to buy their own home.

All of those services are free to the public.

Make an appointment to meet with a financial coach

We’re also part of the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency’s statewide network of counselors who are helping people just like you learn how to take charge of your money.

This DHS Self-Sufficiency Program is funded in part by a grant provided by the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development.

*—SM: “Envision your dream. Find your path. Build your future.” is a service mark of Mon Valley Initiative.
Mon Valley Initiative