Mon Valley Initiative uses a multi-faceted approach to address the redevelopment needs of the Mon Valley.
Working in strong partnership with our local advisory groups, CDCs, residents and other stakeholders, MVI works in real estate development as well as community planning and outreach.
For many years, Mon Valley Initiative has had a highly successful “rehab for resale” program, in which older homes are restored and updated. This approach reduces total development costs, recycles and reuses building materials, and preserves the architectural character that makes our Mon Valley communities unique.
Where appropriate, MVI also constructs new homes that blend with surrounding houses, improve property values and preserve neighborhood streetscapes.
A healthy real estate market includes rental units that serve diverse income groups. Creating quality rental properties to serve people from a wide range of backgrounds — including through new larger-scaled low-income tax credit projects — helps to serve existing residents of Mon Valley communities and attract new residents.
MVI’s current rental portfolio includes more than 100 units, many in older, restored historic buildings that blend seamlessly into the surrounding neighborhoods.
MVI’s efforts to promote neighborhood business districts have led to an increased focus since 2015 on commercial properties for retail shops, offices and light industrial uses.
Mon Valley Initiative currently owns and manages about 15,000 square feet of commercial rental space and will continue to seek opportunities to add new spaces to our rental portfolio.
Mon Valley Initiative works to develop partnerships and solutions in the communities that we serve. In addition to direct real estate investment, MVI works with CDCs, interested community groups and local governments to assist with the development of publicly owned assets such as parks, recreational facilities and other greenspaces.
MVI has also helped six municipalities to update their zoning ordinances and address issues such as code enforcement.