The Homestead Area Economic Revitalization Corporation (HERC) was founded in September of 1978, and is one of the oldest of MVI’s member CDCs. HERC draws its membership from four communities and leads programs in those areas with goals of beautification, fundraising, and community involvement. We interviewed Janet Whitney, President, about her experience with this CDC. Here’s what she said:
Q: How long have you been a member of your organization?
A: I have been a member of HERC for about 4 years and have served as the President for 3 of those years.
Q: In which communities does your CDC serve?
A: HERC serves the areas of Homestead, Munhall, West Homestead, and Whitaker.
Q: What is your favorite activity or event your organization has participated in in the past?
A: I have very much enjoyed representing HERC in activities in the community such as our Open House, an UNO fundraising activity and Homestead Community Days. I also enjoyed working with others to see the development of the lovely parklet on our side of the Homestead Grays Bridge.
Q: Why did you first get involved with your organization?
A: As a long time resident of the Steel Valley area and as a former long-term employee of a human services agency in Homestead, I have always been very interested in the neighborhoods represented by HERC. I got involved with HERC to work with others to improve these geographical areas.
Q: Tell us about a time when you felt proud of something your organization accomplished for your community.
A: I have always been very proud of the affordable, beautiful, new housing developed in Homestead through MVI with HERC. I also think it is great that our group can provide funds to plant gardens to beautify some areas of our streets.
Q: Why does it benefit your CDC to be a member of the MVI Coalition?
A: HERC is strengthened by its membership in the MVI Coalition. The Coalition provides HERC with an opportunity to be part of something larger than itself. The resources made available, sharing of plans and ideas, and access to expertise not available within our CDC makes this membership invaluable to our group.
Need more information about HERC? Contact the MVI Outreach staff assigned to the group, Stephanie Eson, at 412-464-4000 x4024 or email seson@monvalleyinitiative.com.