Mon Valley Initiative provides services to the public through the work of three teams that work closely together:
Since its 2004 merger with Housing Opportunities Inc., MVI also serves as a HUD national intermediary for other housing counseling agencies that receive funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
In the words of our mission statement, adopted during the summer of 2018, “Mon Valley Initiative strengthens the Mon Valley by responsibly investing in our people and places.”
MVI strives to fulfill that mission by renovating and constructing high-quality, affordable housing; assisting communities to develop and maintain their main street business districts; providing individuals with the tools they need to enter into the workforce; offering in-depth, one-on-one housing counseling services to put people on the path to successful home ownership; and helping other community development corporations and local advisory groups become more efficient and effective.
Although there are many other agencies, both regionally and nationally, that provide similar services, few agencies provide all of them in a “one-stop shop” like MVI does.