• 412-464-4000

  • 305 E. 8th Ave., Homestead, PA 15120

“Currents” is the monthly e-newsletter published by Mon Valley Initiative for our staff members, donors, volunteers, and community stakeholders.

To receive “Currents,” sign up for our mailing list. Our mailing list is private. We will never sell your information to any third-party without your express permission.


December: Happy holidays from Mon Valley Initiative!

November: Progress continues on MVI’s Braddock Church Residences

October: MVI celebrates region’s progress at annual ceremony

September: MVI to hold Annual Dinner & Community Awards on October 17

July: Together, we can make a difference in the Mon Valley.

June: Charleroi Health & Wellness Fair attracts 280 residents

May: MVI acquires 22 properties for North Braddock housing redevelopment

April: April is Second Chance Month

March: Build-out begins on Braddock Church Residences

February: Tackle Your Financial Future event promotes personal financial health


December: Happy holidays from Mon Valley Initiative!

November: MVI reflects on 35 years and honors community members

October: MVI to celebrate Annual Dinner & Community Awards

September: MVI breaks ground on Braddock Church Residences

August: Mon Valley region sees increase in refugee and immigrant populations

July: Join us in improving the lives of people in the Mon Valley!

June: June marks opening of Mon Valley farmers markets

May: HUD Intermediary helps housing counseling agencies across the country 

April: Is now a good time to buy your first home?

March: Policy & Advocacy Fellowship brings together workforce development leaders 

February: Clairton’s Produce Marketplace builds on its success


December: Comcast Newsmakers interviews Laura Zinski, CEO of Mon Valley Initiative

November: Valley volunteers shine as in-person awards ceremony returns

October: Rankin marks milestone with groundbreaking for Heritage Highlands

September: Join us as we celebrate the power of partnerships

August: Clairton community welcomes $17M investment

June: Local business could receive $10K grants

May: Program offers lead-safety help for homeowners, tenants

April: News from MVI: Three communities join new “Age-Friendly” program

March: News from MVI: Don’t wait to apply for rent relief

February: News from MVI: Interest grows in Clairton Inn development


December: Here’s to you in 2022

November: News from MVI: Local groups, volunteers honored at MVI awards ceremony

October: News from MVI: Tune in Oct. 21 to meet our award-winning neighbors

September: News from MVI: Braddock library checks into temporary home

August: News from MVI: Is a flood of evictions coming?

July: News from MVI: Planning underway for Braddock church’s transformation

May: News from MVI: Spring fix-ups keep maintenance crews busy

April: News from MVI: Envisioning the future of Braddock, East Pittsburgh and North Braddock

March: News from MVI: Holland Ave. Homes await their owners

February: New homeowner finds her ‘sanctuary’ with MVI’s help

January: News from MVI: Renovated townhomes near completion

Mon Valley Initiative