As a HUD-approved housing counseling intermediary agency, MVI provides HUD grant funding to a national network of housing counseling agencies that provide the full range of housing counseling and education services. Our dual experience as a housing counseling agency and a HUD intermediary enables us to provide practical assistance to our network of agencies.
Since 2005, MVI has assisted the agencies in our intermediary network to leverage millions of dollars to provide services to thousands of households across the nation.
Some of the benefits for housing counseling agencies who join our network include:
We oversee the completion and submission of HUD grant applications in behalf of our network agencies.
We supervise the collection of requested data and perform extensive grant writing to complete HUD’s Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) applications for our network agencies. This significantly reduces the amount of time and effort needed for our agencies to complete these applications.
We have an established working relationship with HUD. Housing counseling agencies that have not previously worked with or been funded by HUD are able to do so through the Mon Valley Initiative.
We have primary HUD grant compliance and oversight responsibility. This significantly reduces the administrative burden on our member agencies, and their management teams are able to devote more time to operational matters.
We provide specialized technical assistance to help each network agency find the best methods for them to comply with HUD regulations while providing the highest-quality services to clients.
HUD provides incentives, such as increased grant funding, for agencies to join housing counseling networks. As an intermediary, MVI is able to seek increased funding to support our network’s overall client volume and service impacts, which provides increased funding opportunities for our network agencies. Through the network, agencies can also build peer-to-peer relationships on a nationwide scale. Every participating member agency can see the advice and expertise of staff from other network agencies.
For more information, contact our HUD Intermediary Manager.