Download our report, Valley Vision 2019
Although parts of the Pittsburgh area have recovered from the demise of heavy manufacturing, many others have not, and the effects of that rapid, unprecedented decline are still felt in many Mon Valley communities in the form of blighted and abandoned buildings, substandard housing and higher-than-average unemployment and poverty rates.
While the closed factories have been demolished, people living in the Mon Valley still need better-quality housing, financial and life coaching, job skills development and community planning and organizing.
As conditions in the Mon Valley have changed and evolved, MVI has shifted its strategic goals. Today, MVI serves as both a support network both for other community development corporations and local advisory groups, as well as a regional CDC and service provider of its own.
From its offices in the heart of the Mon Valley, MVI continues—in the words of its vision statement—“working together to unite the communities and restore the economic vitality of the Mon Valley.”
Since its 2004 merger with Housing Opportunities Inc., MVI also serves as a national intermediary for other housing counseling agencies that receive funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Mon Valley Initiative is working together to unite the communities and restore the economic vitality of the Mon Valley.
Mon Valley Initiative strengthens the Mon Valley region by responsibly investing in our people and places.
We are carrying out our mission by:
• Working together with local residents and stakeholders
• Providing career and financial coaching to individuals
• Developing residential and commercial properties
• Delivering technical assistance services to our partners