• 412-464-4000

  • 305 E. 8th Ave., Homestead, PA 15120

Upcoming Comcast RISE events

Mon Valley and South Hills business owners may be eligible for up to $10,000 in grant money for direct assistance, or to boost their marketing or technology needs.

Comcast, the region’s dominant Internet and television provider, announced that it will award $1 million in $10,000 grants to 100 small businesses in Allegheny County owned by women and people of color, including Black entrepreneurs, Native Americans, Asian Americans and Hispanic Americans.

Applications will be accepted from June 1 to 14, 2022, and winners announced a few weeks later.

The money is being provided from the Comcast RISE Investment Fund.

To apply and to see official rules, go to www.comcastrise.com/investment-fund

If you need help preparing your application, call Grant R. Cole, MVI community outreach specialist, at 412-464-4000, ext. 4024, or email gcole@monvalleyinitiative.com.

Mon Valley Initiative is also holding a series of events to explain the program and provide additional assistance:

3 p.m. May 31:
Online webinar with Women’s Business Network of Allegheny County

Live on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wbninc

8 a.m. to 12 noon June 1:
Drop-in information session
at Mon Valley Initiative

305 E. 8th Ave., Homestead
(parking in lot at corner of Seventh and Ann streets, or bus available at front door)

Computers will be available to help fill out the application

4 to 8 p.m. June 8:
Drop-in information session
at Mon Valley Initiative

305 E. 8th Ave., Homestead
(parking in lot at corner of Seventh and Ann streets, or bus available at front door)

Computers will be available to help fill out the application

6 to 8 p.m. June 10:
Coffee and conversation with Mon Metro Chamber of Commerce
at Braddock’s Battlefield History Center

609 Sixth St., North Braddock

Co-hosted with Greater Valley Community Services
Computers will be available to help fill out the application

To qualify, eligible businesses must have:

• Been established three or more years
• Have 1 to 25 employees (full & part-time)
• Be located in Allegheny County
• Be at least 51% owned and operated by a woman or a person of color (Black, Indigenous, Hispanic or Asian American)

220526 MVI Comcast Rise Events Flyer

Mon Valley Initiative