This is our first blog post as the Mon Valley Initiative (MVI) launches its new website! For any new audience members, the Mon Valley Initiative is a coalition made up of 10 member community development corporations (CDCs) in the Monongahela Valley region. We work together to unite those communities to restore the economic vitality of the Mon Valley through Real Estate Development, Workforce Development, pre-purchase Housing Counseling, and Community Outreach programs.
Who We Are
Talking to you right now is Bethany Bloise, one of our Community Outreach Specialists. I also want to introduce you to Stephanie Eson, Community Outreach Specialist, and Jo Ellen Welsh, Director of Community Outreach. The three of us on the Community Outreach Team will primarily author this blog, but from time-to-time we might have a special guest writer from our staff or our member CDCs. Each of our other team members have bios published on the website.
Why We Blog
So, what exactly do we do at the Mon Valley Initiative? Who do you talk to if you want to help make a difference in your community? What are the philosophies behind our program areas? What is our CEO’s favorite ice cream flavor? We will answer questions like that in our blog posts! Well…maybe not that last one.
You might have a general understanding of what each of our program areas do, but we want to let you in on the details of some of our processes, why we take the approach that we do, and why we believe each program area makes it’s own significant impact on the communities we serve. Basically, we are giving you a behind-the-scenes look at our day-to-day functions. Why? Because efforts to unite Mon Valley communities include informing anyone who could be affected by programs established in those areas.
How You Can Help
What do you want to know about MVI? We want to provide you with the best content possible, so let us know what you are curious about! Leave a comment below, or contact us to ask us a question about our organization. We will do our best to answer you in a timely manner, and you might even give us an idea for a future post!
We do encourage comments as well as feedback, but please be appropriate and respectful. Remember that everyone and every community can thrive when you build them up, but not when you tear them down. That being said, any complaints can be addressed by a member of our staff if you fill out our contact form. Thank you for your cooperation!