Is there a community volunteer or organization in your neighborhood who deserves a little bit of extra recognition this year?
Mon Valley Initiative is accepting nominations for its annual Community Partner Awards, presented each year in October.
Since 1990, Community Partner Awards have been presented by the community development corporations and local advisory groups that participate in Mon Valley Initiative, said Grant Cole, community outreach specialist. This is the third year that nominations also have been taken from the public.
Nominations must be received by July 29, 2022.
Anyone who works or lives in one of the communities that borders on the Monongahela River may be nominated for a community partner award, he said. Employees and board members of Mon Valley Initiative and their immediate family are not eligible, Cole said.
Three to five awardees will be selected by the MVI board and staff and their names will be announced in October. They also will be featured in a video, Cole said.
Last year’s community partner award-winners included Bethlehem Baptist Church, McKeesport; Clairton Family Center; the Swissvale Shade Tree Advisory Committee; retired Turtle Creek police Chief Dale Kraeer; Ollie Hill of the West Newton, Pa., Lions Club; and Wilmerding Community Center.
To nominate someone for an MVI Community Partner Award, use the Community Partner of the Year Form 2022 (PDF) and mail it to Mon Valley Initiative, 305 East Eighth Ave., Homestead, PA 15120-1517, or email it to gcole@monvalleyinitiative.com.
You also can use this online form: Online Community Partner of the Year nomination form
Include your name, your email address and a daytime phone number where you can be reached for more information.